Teddy Ireland - Myths and Legends
In this section you will discover all the myths and legends associated with Ireland. This page will be updated regularly, The legend of the bear, which we characterised as Teddy Ireland is of course the most significant!
This section will be updated regularly with more fascinating myths and legends.

Teddy Ireland - The Bear!
The Brown Bear is one of the largest land carnivores in Europe for thousands of years. Ireland was home to these Bears. The brown bear roamed the ancient rainforests and dense woodlands of Ireland. It is believed that due to deforestation and loss of habitat the Irish brown bear went extinct around 2,500 years ago.
However, the Bear still lives on in Irish myth and legend. There is a famous Irish myth about a sleeping bear who will rise from hibernation and return.
This sleeping bear is Teddy Ireland, the island in the form of the Bear! Such a unique shape for a unique country! Welcome to Teddy Ireland.
Fairy Folklore
Irish fairies are deeply rooted in Irish myth and folklore. The Tuatha de Danann were one of the original inhabitants of Ireland until the Celts arrived. The Celts defeated the Tuatha de Danann and eventually drove them underground but they used their magic to become the Sidhe which is known today as the "fairies".
Any incomprehensible events which took place and could not be explained were blamed on the "fairies". There are thousands of Fairy Forts remaining in Ireland today and are protected from development due to the folklore surrounding these little folk!